Задания на выбор времен в английском языке. Past tenses(Прошедшие времена)(упражнения). видов упражнений на знание времен в английском языке

Упражнения на закрепление времен в английском языке

    They (start) work at 9:00 a.m.

    He (talk) on the phone right now

    They (redecorate) their house this week

    He (take) a shower has breakfast and (go) to school.

    He (take) his cat to the vet tomorrow.

    She (live) in Moscow).

    Tom (catch) the train to work every morning.

    He (clean) his room

    We (try) to find tickets for the concert for three weeks.

    Fred (work) for the company for ten weeks.

    They (buy) a new car.

    Kate (leave) the sports club late yesterday.

    Nike (come) home (change) his clothes and (go) out again.

    The children (walk) to school at 8:00 a.m. Yesterday.

    Ann (go) to Bob"s house at 5 in the afternoon.

    I (do) my homework while my brother (play) a computer game.

    He (cook) for over an hour.

    The washer (work) fine now.

    They start work at 9:00 a.m.

    He is talking on the phone right now

    They are redecorating their house this week

    He takes a shower has breakfast and goes to school.

    He is taking his cat to the vet tomorrow.

    She lives in Moscow.

    Tom catches the train to work every morning.

    He has cleaned his room

    We have been trying to find tickets for the concert for three weeks.

    Fred has been working for the company for ten weeks.

    They have bought a new car.

    Kate left the sports club late yesterday.

    Nike came home changed his clothes and went out again.

    The children were walking to school at 8:00 a.m.yesterday.

    Ann went to Bob"s house at 5 in the afternoon.

    I am doing my homework while my brother was playing a computer game.

    He has been cooking for over an hour

    The washer is working fine now

Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Pre-Intermediate.

Упражнение 1. Join the two parts of sentences.

1. Fred plays tennis...

2. Fred is playing tennis...

3. Fred has played tennis...

4. Fred played tennis...

5. Fred was playing tennis...

6. Fred will play tennis...

a) every Monday.

b) for several times.

c) at the moment.

d) at that time.

f) when he was 15.

Упражнение 2. Copy the sentences and note if they refer to the present, past or future. Write the tense against each sentence.

Example: He cut his finger with a knife. (Simple Past)

    He often cuts himself.

    What time did John arrive?

    I never forget anything.

    Are you sitting comfortably?

    We drank a lot of Coke at the party.

    It was raining all night.

    The train will leave in a few minutes.

    I put on a clean shirt yesterday.

Упражнение 3. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple Past , Simple Present , Present Continuous or Past Continuous , Present Perfect.

    I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.

    You __________ (buy) this book yesterday?

    Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.

    When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening?

    Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.

    What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?

    You __________ (read) this book?

    While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV.

    When I __________ (be) young, I __________ (think) Mary __________ (be) nice - but now I __________ (think) she’s fantastic.

    Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema

    Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school.

    Jack’s father __________ (not work) in London - he __________ (not speak) English.

    Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday.

    Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts.

    While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive).

Упражнение 4. Исправьте ошибки.

    When she was younger, she has played tennis every day.

    It’s already 10:00, but Jane hasn’t finished her homework already.

    Joe crashed his car three times since Christmas.

    Did you done your homework, or have you been watching TV?

    Karl has been driving since five years.

    This hotel has been already in business for twenty years.

Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Intermediate.

Упражнение 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous).

    Alice ... (not to take) the bus to school every day. She usually ... (to walk) to school...

    (to take) … you the bus to get to school or ... (to walk) you?

    Who is this man? I ... (to think) that I ... (to know) him, but I ... (to forget) his name.

    The children ... (to have) a good time in the park yesterday. They ... (to give) small pieces of bread to the ducks. Then they ... (to take) pictures of themselves.

    Where are the children? They ... (to watch) TV in the room now. Some minutes ago they ... (to play) a game.

    Now I am in my class. I... (to sit) at my desk. I always ... (to sit) at the same desk.

Упражнение 6 . Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous или поставьте конструкцию to be going + to inf .

    When you_____ (know) your examination results?

    Kathy_____ (travel) to Caracas next month to attend a conference.

    Do you have any plans for lunch today? - I _____ (meet) Shannon at the Sham Cafe in an hour. Do you want to join us?

    I ____ (buy) a bicycle for my son for his birthday next month. Do you know anything about bikes for kids? - Sure. What do you want to know?

    How do you like your new job? - I don’t start it until tomorrow. I_____ (give) you an answer next week.

    I suppose he_____ (talk) about his new invention.

    Why are you packing your suitcase? - I_____ (leave) for Los Angeles in a couple of hours.

    My regular doctor, Dr. Jordan, _____ (attend) a conference in Las Vegas next week, so I hope I _____ (meet) her partner, Dr. Peterson, when I _____ (go) for my appointment next Friday.

    What time class _____ (begin) tomorrow morning? - It_____ (begin) at eight o’clock sharp.

    The coffee shop _____ (open) at seven o’clock tomorrow morning. I’ll meet you there at 7:15. - Okay. I’ll be there.

Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Future Continuous, Present Continuous, Future Simple или поставьте конструкцию to be going + to inf.

    At 5 o’clock tomorrow he _______ (work).

    He can’t come at noon tomorrow because he _______ (give) a lesson at that time.

    She_______ (read) an interesting book the whole evening tomorrow.

    At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning he_______ (talk) to his friend.

    You will recognize her when you see her. She_______ (wear) a yellow hat.

    In the next days you _______ (visit) famous sights.

    Jeanne and Paul_______ (move) to London next month.

    Leave the washing up. -I _______ (do) it later.

    This time tomorrow I _______ (lie) on the beach.

    Look out! You _______ (spill) your tea!

Упражнение 8. Упражнение раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple.

    Aren’t you about to finish with the dishes? You _______ (wash) the dishes for thirty minutes or more. How long can it take you to wash the dishes?

    We _______ (go) to the Steak House restaurant many times. The food is excellent.

    A: What is that sound? B: A car alarm _______ (ring) somewhere down the street. It _______ (drive) me crazy -I wish it would stop! It _______ (ring) for more than twenty minutes.

    Can you translate this note from Stockholm? I understood Swedish when I _______ (be) a child, but I _______ (forget) it all.

    What’s that dent in the side of the car? You _______ (have) an accident?

    I’m sorry, John’s not here; he _______ (go) to the dentist. He _______ (have) trouble with a tooth for some time.

    This cassette recorder is broken. You _______ (play) about with it?

    Your Italian is very good. You _______ (study) it long?

    Do you mind if I clear the table? You _______ (have) enough to eat?

    Ann never _______ (go) camping. She _______ (not sleep) in a tent.

    Frank, where have you been? We _______ (wait) for you since 1 p.m.

    I’m not surprised he _______ (fail) that exam. He _______ (not / work) hard recently.

Упражнение 9. P аскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в или Present Perfect Continuous.

    Oh no! The children _______ (cook). Look at the state of this kitchen!

    How many times Wendy _______ (be) late for work this week?

    I’m going to give that cat some food. It _______ (sit) on the doorstep for hours. I’m sure it’s starving.

    I _______ (do) grammar exercises all morning. I deserve a treat for lunch.

    You _______ (not / buy) your mother a present? That’s really mean of you.

    She _______ (work) in Australia for 2 years. Then she moved.

    Now where are my keys? This is the third time I _______ (lose) them today

    You _______ (ever/play) chess? You should try it. I’m sure it’s the sort that you’d like.

    Oh do be quiet. You _______ (grumble) all day!

    Your tennis _______ (really / improve)! You _______ (practice) in secret?

Упражнения на времена английского глагола. Уровень Upper -Intermediate.

Упражнение 10. Подчеркните правильно выбранное время.

    I originally studied/ have studied chemistry at university. I graduated / have been graduating with a first-class degree.

    I now completed / have now completed a postgraduate degree in administration.

    I’ve been trying / I’ve tried to find a permanent job for a considerable time.

    Indeed, I have already worked /I have already been working for several companies on a temporary basis.

    In my first job, I was / have been responsible for marketing,

    I’ve been applying / have applied for several posts this year but I did not manage / have not managed to find what I’m looking for.

    The last job I applied / have applied for required applicants to speak some Japanese,

    I started learning / have been learning Spanish a few months ago I did not obtain / have not obtained a qualification in it yet.

    I did not apply / have not applied for a job with your company before.

    I hoped / have hoped that you would consider my application favourably.

    However, I have been waiting/ have waited for a reply for weeks and I still have not received / did not receive any answer.

Упражнение 11. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple или Present Perfect Continuous.

    Today is Thursday, and John ________ (be) late twice this week; he________ (be) late yesterday and on Monday.

    I first________ (meet) George a month ago, and I ________ (meet) him several times since then.

    It is October now, and we ________ (do) a lot of work this year; we ________ (do) a lot last year too.

    She ________ (buy) a coat last winter, but she________ (not / buy) a new dress since 2008.

    It’s only the middle of the month, and he________ (spend) (already) most of his salary; he ________ (spend) $60 yesterday,

    I ________ (break) my leg in 1991, but I ________ (break) (never) my arm.

    He’s over sixty, and he’s still working. He ________ (work) hard all his life. When he ________ (be) a young man, he sometimes ________ (work) all night.

    The postman ________ (come) at eight yesterday, but it’s now half past eight and he ________ (not / come) yet.

    Today is May 25th. Ted ________ (not / be) absent this month.

    He ________ (feel) extremely ill when he went to hospital, but he ________ (feel) much better since he came out of hospital a month ago.

Упражнение 1.

1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – b, 4 – f,5 – d, 6 – e.

Упражнение 2.

1 Present Simple/indefinite, 2 Past Simple/Indefinite, 3 Present Simple/indefinite, 4 Present Continuous/Progressive, 5 Past Simple/Indefinite, 6 Past Continuous/Progressive, 7 Future Simple / Indefinite, 8 Past Simple/Indefinite

Упражнение 3.

1 was listening / was cooking, 2 did you buy, 3 went / wanted, 4 does your brother usually get, 5 brings, 6 are people doing, 7 have you read, 8 was sleeping / was watching, 9 was /thought / think, 10 was walking / saw, 11 are running, 12 doesn’t work / doesn’t speak, 13 bought, 14 goes, 15 were sleeping / arrived.

Упражнение 4.

1 has played -played, 2 already - yet, 3 crashed - has crashed, 4 Did -have, 5 since - for, 6 has been already - has already been

Упражнение 5.

1 doesn’t take /walks, 2 Do you take / Do you walk, 3 think / know /have forgotten, 4 had / gave /took, 5 are watching / were playing, 6 am sitting / sit

Упражнение 6.

1 will you know, 2 is travelling, 3 am meeting, 4 am going to buy, 5 will give, 6 is going to talk, 7 am leaving, 8 is attending / will meet /go, 9 does class begin / begins, 10 opens.

Упражнение 7.

1 will be working, 2 will be giving, 3 will be reading, 4 will be talking, 5 will be wearing, 6 will be having / is having, 7 will visit, 8 are moving, 9 will do, 10 will be lying, 11 will spill

Упражнение 8.

1 have been washing, 2 have gone, 3 is ringing/ is driving /has been ringing, 4 was /have forgotten, 5 have you had, 6 has gone / has had, 7 have you played, 8 have you been studying, 9 have you had, 10 has never gone / has never slept, 11 have been waiting, 12 has failed, hasn’t been working

Упражнение 9.

1 have been cooking, 2 has Wendy been, 3 has been sitting, 4 have been doing, 5 haven’t you bought, 6 worked, 7 have lost, 8 have you ever played, 9 have been grumbling, 10 has really improved, have you practiced

Упражнение 10

1 appeared, 2 studied / graduated, 3 have now completed, 4 I’ve been trying, 5 have already worked, 6 was, 7 have applied / have not managed, 8 applied, 9 started learning/ have not obtained, 10 have not applied, 11 have hoped, 12 have been waiting/ have not received

Упражнение 11.

1 has been / was, 2 met /have met, 3 have done / did, 4 bought / hasn’t bought, 5 has already spent / spent, 6 broke / have never broken, 7 has been working hard / was / worked, 8 came / hasn’t come, 9 hasn’t been, 10 felt / has felt

– важная часть грамматики и камень преткновения начинающих. Чтобы не путаться во временах, просто изучить теорию надостаточно, нужно закрепить знания с помощью упражнений. Эти упражнения на времена в английском языке помогут вам лучше разобраться в одной из главных тем .

Если же вы хотите отработать времена до автоматизма, я рекомендую обратить внимание на упражнение, о котором я рассказываю в этом видео. И не забудьте подписаться на мой канал! 🙂

Упражнение 1. Глагол в Present Simple

В этом упражнении вам нужно поставить глагол в одну из форм . Напомню, таких форм всего две: глагол в начальной форме и глагол с окончанием -s.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. He has some sugar. – У него есть немного сахара.
  2. Jacob and Tina have a lot in common. – У Джейкоба и Тины много общего.
  3. I do not keep expired pills. – Я не храню просроченные таблетки.
  4. He runs the company with his brother. – Он управляет компанией со своим братом.
  5. She does not like my job. – Ей не нравится моя работа.
  6. Do you know how it works ? – Вы знаете, как это работает?
  7. Cats never miss a chance to sleep. – Кошки никогда не упускают возможности поспать.

Упражнение 2. Неправильные глаголы

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. My uncle walks two miles every day and feels very well. – Моя дядя ходит пешком по две мили в день и чувствует себя очень хорошо.
  2. We really need another vacation. – Нам действительно нужен еще один отпуск.
  3. Sorry, I can’t talk now, I am running to see the doctor at the moment. – Извини, я не могу говорить сейчас, я прямо сейчас бегу на прием к врачу.
  4. My dad always says that I should find another job. – Мой папа всегда говорит, что мне лучше найти другую работу.
  5. Take an umbrella, it is going to rain. – Возьми зонт, скоро будет дождь.
  6. I added some pepper to the soup, now it smells better. – Я добавил немного перца в суп, теперь он пахнет лучше.

Упражнение 5. Времена Simple или Continuous?

Это упражнение на все времена Simple и Continous. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в одну из форм:

Показать ответы с переводом

1. You will be safe now. – Теперь вы будете в безопасности.

2. Yesterday I found a coin in the garden. It looked very old. – Вчера я нашел монету в саду. Она выглядела очень старой.

3. Jake was watching TV when someone knocked on the door. – Джейк смотрел телевизор, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.

4. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. – Жизнь – как коробка шоколадных конфет. Никогда не знаешь, что получишь.

5. We were just talking about you! – Мы только что о тебе говорили!

6. I can’t pick you up from the school today, because I will be working in the evening. Mom will pick you up. – Я не могу заехать за тобой в школу сегодня, потому что вечером буду на работе. Мама за тобой заедет.

Упражнение 6. Past Simple или Present Perfect?

Упражнение 7. Времена Past Perfect и Future Perfect

Чаще встречается в художественной литературе, чем в разговорной речи. используется редко и в устной речи, и в письменной. Знаете ли вы, в каких случаях используются эти времена?

Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

Упражнение 8. Времена в английском языке

В этом задании вам нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в видовременную форму, подходящую по смыслу. Обращайте внимание на перевод, чтобы понять, какое время глагола лучше подходит.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. Jane loves cakes and hates broccoli. – Джейн любит торты и ненавидит брокколи.
  2. I was listening to the lecturer carefully but understood nothing. – Я внимательно слушал лектора, но ничего не понял.
  3. Oh, I’m glad to see you! I have been waiting for you all day! – О, я рад тебя видеть! Я ждал тебя весь день.
  4. When the rescue team found the lost tourists, they had been living with no food for two days. – Когда спасатели нашли пропавших туристов, те уже два дня жили без еды.
  5. I had warned you many times but you didn’t listen. – Я предупреждал тебя много раз, но ты не слушал.
  6. By the end of the next year, we will have produced two million tons of soap. – К концу следующего года мы произведем два миллиона тонн мыла.
  7. I have seen a lot in my life but this… this is unbelievable. – Я повидал многое в жизни, но это… это невероятно.
  8. No, tomorrow morning I will be (am) busy. I will be playing (am playing) football with my kids. – Нет, завтра утром я буду занят. Я буду играть в футбол с детьми.

Друзья! Сейчас я не занимаюсь репетиторством, но если вам нужен учитель, я рекомендую этот чудесный сайт - там есть учителя носители (и не носители) языка👅 на все случаи жизни и на любой карман 🙂 Я сам прошел более 50 уроков с учителями, которых там нашел!

a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit

2. There… 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is

3. I can …English very well.

a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak

4. … they go to the Zoo with us next week?

a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did

5. I…to my friend’s place yesterday.

a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go

6. He will not…his holidays in America.

a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend

7. My pencil…on the table yesterday. My mother…it in the box.

a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, puts

8. Do you like…to school? Yes, I…

a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don’t

9. We learn how to use computers at… lessons.

a) I.T. ; b) Literature; c) Drama; d) Maths

10. She wanted to… us about her brother.

a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show

Choose the right variant:

  1. I …to school every day.

a) go; b) will go; c) went;

2. My mother… Moscow last year.

a) visit; b) will visit; c) visited

3. She …good English. She is my friend.

a) speaks; b) will speak; c) spoke ;

4. I… to the village next summer.

a) go; b) will go; c) went;

5. My father often…milk in this supermarket.

a) buys; b) will buy; c) bought;

Впиши пропущенные формы глаголов:

Buy - … … - went

… - drew see - …

Eat - … watch - …

Cook - … play - …

Запиши, чем занимались вчера члены семьи.

My mum

My dad

My sister

My brother






a book.

my homework.

the dishes.

in the park.

Work – worked [t]

Live –

Jump –

Wash –

Play –

Close –

Dress –

Introduce –

2. Поставьте приведенные ниже правильные глаголы в прошедшую форму. Напишите и прочитайте их.

Want – wanted

Ask –

Help –

Answer –

Open –

Stop –

Last –

Link –

3. Поставьте приведенные ниже правильные глаголы в прошедшую форму. Напишите и прочитайте их.

act – acted

attend –

celebrate –

consist –

play –

date –

guess –

respect –

4. Поставьте приведенные ниже правильные глаголы в прошедшую форму. Напишите и прочитайте их.

arrive – arrived [d]

base –

combine –

consult –

defend –

divide –

exist –

remain –

5. Поставьте приведенные ниже правильные глаголы в прошедшую форму. Напишите и прочитайте их.

Work – worked [t]

Return –

Start –

Suggest –

Translate –

Turn –

Wish –

Stop –

6. Поставьте приведенные ниже правильные глаголы в прошедшую форму. Напишите и прочитайте их.

Restore –

Seem –

Settle –

Stretch –

Support –

Treat –

Wave –

Play –

1/ Ask the following questions:

1. There are twenty children in our class. (How many children?)

2. She will start her homework tomorrow. (When?)

3. I am a pupil of the fifth form. (Who?)

4. They opened the window two hours ago. (What?)

5. My friends are from Great Britain. (Where?)

6. We are going to travel to Moscow. (Where?)

7. I usually have breakfast with my father. (With whom?)

8. My brother will read this book next month. (When?)

9. There are five pens on the desk. (How many?)

10. They didn’t visit their granny yesterday. (Why?)

11. Kate can play chess very well. (What?)

12. He will travel to London with his friends. (With whom?)

13. They go to school at 7 o’clock every day. (When?)

14. Kate is from Russia. (Where?)

15. We bought two pencils yesterday. (What?)

2/ Open the brackets:

1. Last week I (to visit) my grandparents.

2. We (not to be) at school yesterday.

3. My sister often (to read) books in the evening.

4. They (not to do) exercises every morning.

5. Helen (to play) chess with her brother tomorrow.

6. I (not to have) breakfast yesterday.

7. We usually (to invite) our friends to the party.

8. I (to be) in London last week.

1 вариант

1. Complete the sentences:

1) My mother is a…

2) His uncle is a…

3) I want to be a…

4) Jack will be a…

5) Is her friend a…?

2 вариант

1. Complete the sentences:

1) My aunt is a…

2) His father is a…

3) I shall be a…

4) Mr. Green is a…

5) Was she a…?

Choose the right variant:

1. Where …your parents last week?

A are C were

B did D was

2. Nick …to school every day.

A goes C go

B went D will go

A did … buy C does …buy

B will … buy D do …buy

4. I usually … my mother and

my father in the evening.

A helped C help

B helps D will help

5. My friend …at school last week.

A weren’t C isn’t

B didn’t be D wasn’t

6. When … your father … the

day after tomorrow?

A will … get up C does …get up

B did … get up D do … get up

7. My balls … in the box yesterday.

My brother … them.

A aren’t, taked C wasn’t, took

B weren’t, took D isn’t, taked

8. Who …up in your family? I … .

A wash, will do C washes, did

B will wash, does D washes, do

9. They … to the Zoo next week.

A goes C go

B will go D went

10. There … a bookshelf

With books in my room.

A are C were

B is D shall be

The USA (to be)___________one of the largest countries in the world. The Statue of Liberty (to be)___________one of the interesting monuments in New York. The Statue of Liberty (to stand) ___________ in New York Harbour. Liberty (to mean) ________freedom. The Statue of Liberty (to be) ________as tall as a skyscraper.

2. Вставьте глагол в правильной форме.

Maslenitsa (to be) ________a very popular holiday in our country. It (to last)__________for a week. Russian people (to celebrate)______________it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. During Maslenitsa week we always (to cook)__________pancakes. I (to like)___________this old Russian tradition.

3. Вставьте глагол в правильной форме.

The Central Stadium in Luzhniki________(to be) one of the most important sports complexes of Moscow. It_________(to include) the Large sports arena with a seating capacity of 10000, the Small sports arena, a swimming pool, the Palace of sports, tennis courts and football fields. The Luzhniki arena_______ to be) one of the most picturesque places in Moscow.

4. Вставьте глагол в правильной форме.

The Museum of the Moscow Metro_______(to cover) the history of the capital’s underground from the beginning of the last century to the present day. One can_______(to see) the unusual exhibition in this museum. The operation of the metro during World War II ________(to be) also on display. A separate hall_______(to tell) about the metro’s architecture.

Привет, Друзья! Present Simple Tense – это одно из самых часто употребляемых времен. Время Present Simple обозначает действие в настоящем в широком смысле слова.

Оно употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы говорим о чьих-либо привычках, режиме дня, расписании и т. д., т. е.

Present Simple обозначает действия, которые происходят в настоящее время, но не привязаны именно к моменту речи.

Упражнение 1.

  1. One fly_____________ (to fly) , two flies _____________ (to fly).
  2. One girl _____________ (to cry), four girls _____________ (to cry).
  3. When a wolf _____________ (to see) the moon, it _____________ (to begin) to howl (выть).
  4. Wolves and sheep _____________ (to be) never friends.
  5. Our hens _____________ (to lay [откладывать]) a lot of eggs.
  6. Boys _____________ (to fight) and_____________ (to shout).
  7. That boy _____________ (to try) to catch some balls.
  8. These girls _____________ (to try) to run away from an angry turkey.
  9. If one goose _____________ (to have) one tooth, how many teeth _____________ (to have) thirteen geese?

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. Alice (to have) a sister.
2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o’clock.
5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) English well.
13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.

Упражнение 3. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений.

1. I visit my parents very often.
2. They live in Great Britain.
3. He goes to school by bus.
4. She lives in this house.
5. He wants to be a doctor.
6. They play tennis every Sunday.
7. We work every day.
8. My sister goes to bed at nine.
9. Usually I have dinner very late.
10. My brother watches TV every evening.
11. She likes classical music.
12. We go to the theatre once a month.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock.
2. I (not to walk) to work every morning.
3. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
4. He (to speak) German.
5. I (to visit) my friend every week.
6. Her first class (to start) at eight o’clock.
7. Ann (not to read) a lot.
8. He always (to invite) his friends to his birthday party.
9. I (to go) for a walk every day.
10. She (to wash) her car once a week.

Упражнение 5.

1. Она занята. (to be busy)
2. Я не занят.
3. Вы заняты?
4. Они дома? (to be at home)
5. Его нет дома.
6. Я не знаю.
7. Они знают?
8. Она не знает.
9. Кто знает?
10. Никто не знает.
11. Он читает английские книги? (to read English books)
12. Они никогда не читают. (never / to read)
13. У неё есть квартира? (to have a flat)
14. У него ничего нет.
15. Это кто?

Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я ученик. Я в школе.

2. Мой брат худож­ник. Он не инженер.

3. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач.

4. Он студент.

5. Вы студент? - Нет, я врач.

6. Моя сестра дома.

7. Мы не в школе. Мы дома.

8. Мой брат ученик. Он в школе.

9. Ваша мама дома? — Нет, она на работе.

10. Ваш двоюрод­ный брат дома? — Нет, он в школе. Он ученик.

11. Ваша сестра учительница? — Нет, она сту­дентка.

12. Твой папа на работе? - Нет, он дома.

13. Твоя сестра дизайнер? - Да, - Она дома? — Нет, она на работе.

14. Мой дедушка ученый.

15. Моя мама не учительница. Она врач.

Ответы к упражнениям

Упражнение 1.

1 flies/fly
2 cries/cry
3 sees/begins
4 are
5 lay
6 fight/shout
7 tries
8 try
9 has/have

Упражнение 2.

1 — has
2 — is
3 — is
4 — gets
5 — goes
6 — is
7 – does
8 — has
9 — goes
10 — takes
11 — takes
12 — speaks
13 — call
14 — takes
15 – goes

Упражнение 3.

1. Do I visit … ? I do not (=don’t) visit …
2. Do they live … ? They do not (=don’t) live …
3. Does he go … ? He does not (=doesn’t) go …
4. Does she live … ? She does not (=doesn’t) live …
5. Does he want … ? He does not (=doesn’t) want …
6. Do they play … ? They do not (=don’t) play …
7. Do we work … ? We do not (=don’t) work …
8. Does my sister go … ? My sister does not (doesn’t) go …
9. Do I usually have dinner … ? Usually I do not (=don’t) have dinner …
10. Does my brother watch … ? My brother does not (doesn’t) watch …
11. Does she like … ? She does not (=doesn’t) like …
12. Do we go … ? We do not (=don’t) go …

Упражнение 4.

1. begins
2. do not (=don’t) walk
3. does
4. speaks
5. visit
6. starts
7. does not (=doesn’t) read
8. invites
9. go
10 washes

Упражнение 5.

1 – She is busy
2 – I am not busy
3 – Are you busy?
4 – Are they at home?
5 – He is not at home
6 – I don’t know
7 – Do they know?
8 – She doesn’t know
9 – Who knows?
10 – No one (=Nobody) knows
11 – Does he read English books?
12 – They never read
13 – Does she have a flat?
14 – He doesn’t have anything (=He has nothing)
15 – Who is it?

Упражнение 6.

1. I am a pupil. I am at school.
2. My brother is a painter. He is not an engineer.
3. My sister is at work. She is a doctor.
4. He is a student.
5. Are you a student? – No, I am a doctor.
6. My sister is at home.
7. We are not at school. We are at home.
8. My brother is a pupil. He is at school.
9. Is your mother at home? – No, she is at work.
10. Is your cousin at home? – No, he is at school. He is a pupil.
11. Is your sister a teacher? – No, she is a student.
12. Is your father at work? – No, he is at home.
13. Is your sister a designer? – Yes. – Is she at home? – No, she is at work.
14. My grandfather is a scientist.
15. My mother is not a teacher. She is a doctor.

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PRESENT SIMPLE. Много упражнений

Теперь будем закреплять полученные знания на практике. Мы предлагаем вам упражнения, которые помогут отшлифовать предоставленный материал или увидеть пробелы в знаниях.

5 видов упражнений на знание времен в английском языке

Упражнение 1.

Подставьте нужное слово в Present Simple .

1. I am ____ student . Am/is/are

2. Her nearest friends ____ on the weekend. Am/is/are

3.She ____ a rich girl from Nebraska. Am/is/are

4.Today ____ the third day of my holiday in London.


5. Her mother is not a manager she ____ a prime-director. Am/is/are

6.What music ____ she like? Do/does

7.When ____ we have to leave the hotel? Do/does

8. Be sure you arrive at the interview with a clear vision of what you want to ____ today? Do/does

Упражнение 2.

Раскройте скобки.

1. Every Tuesday Maggie ____ (to drive) her sisters to the cinema.

2. My farther ____ (to watch) TV now.

3. Andrew ____ (to have) a bicycle.

4. Garry and Stefany (to drink) ____ coca-cola every evening.

5. She ____ (to text) a message.

6. He ____ (to wait) for the letter from Chicago university.

7. Her working day ____ (to end) at half past seven.

8. Mrs. Collins, what car (to wait) ____ for?

Упражнение 3.

Раскройте скобки используя вариации времени Future .

1. I (to taste) this cheese when she arrives today.

2. Next month I (to have) a dog.

3. She (to go) to the theatre on Wednesday.

4. Darina (to bring) that book tomorrow.

5. When my sister (to get) home, I (to bring) a cake for her.

6. When the concert (to start), she (to sit) there for two hours.

Упражнение 4.

Раскройте скобки в Present Perfect Continuous или Past Continuous .

1. Two hours ago she (to watch) this film.

2. She (to wright) letters all morning.

3. I (to sleep) when she (to call).

4. She (to sing) while Garrett (to make) a breakfast.

5. They (to plan) their honeymoon all weekend.

Упражнение 5.

Переведите предложения.

Я учусь в школе.

В следующем месяце у меня будет выпускной бал.

Она ждет тебя уже три часа.

Они поехали во Францию в прошлом году.

Я готовил ужин, корда он играл на пианино.

Я звоню его сестре уже две недели.

Они поужинали два часа назад.

Они не играли с Бонни вчера.

Я поеду в Париж следующим летом.

Я обещаю что буду звонить тебе каждую среду.

Ты выйдешь за меня?

Ключи к упражнениям.

Упражнение 1. 1 – am, 2 – are, 3 – is, 4 – is, 5 – is, 6 – does, 7 – do, 8 – do.

Упражнение 2. 1 – drives, 2 – is watching, 3 – has, 4 – drink, 5 – is texting, 6 – is waiting , 7 – ends, 8 – are you waiting.

Упражнение 3. 1.will be tasting, 2. shall have, 3. will go, 4. will bring, 5. gets, will have brought, 6.starts, will have been sitting.

Упражнение 4. 1. was watching, 2. has been writing, 3. was sleeping, called, 4. was singing, was making, 5. have been planning, 6. have been looking.

Упражнение 5. 1. I study at school. 2. I will have a prom next month. 3. She has been waiting for you for three hours. 4. They went to France last year. 5.I was cooking while he was playing the piano. 6.I have been calling his sister for two weeks. 7. They had dinner two hours ago. 8.They didn’t play with Bonney yesterday. 9.I will go to Paris next summer. 10. I promise, I will call you every Wednesday. 11.Will you marry me?

Проверив тестовые упражнения с помощью предложенных ключей можно проработать неправильные ответы еще раз с помощью определенных правил и таблиц. Важно не бояться дать неправильный ответ или сделать ошибку, важно как можно больше тренироваться и делать упражнения. Native English School желает вам удачи в изучении всех времен в английском языке и безпроблемного их употребления в повседневной речи! Have a nice day!;)